My name is Kavana Ramaswamy (they/them) and I am a PhD Graduand at the University of Cambridge. My thesis, "Cripping Justice: Enabling Theory on Disability", looks at codification of different models of disability in law, what models of equality they reflect and the impact of these models on justice for disabled people. I develop the Devaluation Model as an alternative understanding of disability that addresses the gaps of existing models of disability in envisaging justice. I am disabled; my research is informed by my experience of disablement and my understanding of disability under the Social Model following the Feminist Method.
In addition to Disability and Legal Theory, I am also interested in research on Human Rights, Queer Theory and International Law. Visit the Research tab for more information on my work.
This website contains blog posts as and when I write them (here's the RSS feed if you use a feed reader). I usually write about things related to disability, legal theory, justice and associated topics. It is also still a work in progress. I also microblog at Mastodon.